1098T Information

1098T Information

The 1098Ts will be available mid-January in the ctcLink Student Homepage ctcLink - Sign In

Green River College will produce a 1098-T Tuition Statement that reports the amounts paid toward qualified tuition and related expenses during a given calendar year.  These amounts are reported to the IRS.  Please note that because 1098-T covers a full calendar year, it may include financial transactions from terms across academic calendars.


We do NOT file a 1098T for

Students whose Grants/Scholarships including disbursements exceed any self-paid tuition;

Nonresident alien students, unless requested by the student;

Courses for with no academic credit is offered, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program; and

Students for whom we do not maintain a separate financial account and whose qualified tuition and related expenses are covered by a formal billing arrangement between and institution and the student’s employer or governmental entity, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs for the Department of Defense.

The primary purpose of the 1098-T is to help determine a student’s eligibility to claim an education tax credit.  Please refer to https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p970.pdf or https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-1098-t.

All information that Green River College can or will provide you is either on the 1098-T form or is included on this webpage.  We are not allowed to discuss tax implications, how this form may relate to you, or give tax advice.  Please consult your tax preparer with all questions related to this document. 

How to Electronic Consent and View 1098-T Tax Information

This is how you view your 1098-Tax documentation in ctcLink.


  1. Login to the ctcLink Student Homepage.
  2. Click the Financial Account Title

  3. In the Financial Account Menu
    Click the down arrow for 1098-T menu and Select the View 1098-T link

  4. If you have not yet Granted consent at a ctcLink college, you will need to select the Grant Consent box. If you have granted consent at another ctcLink college or during a different tax year you can skip to Step 7.

  5. Review the Consent Agreement and select the box, “Yes I have read the agreement” and then click Submit.

  6. The 1098- T Confirmation Page will display, select the View 1098-T Selection button.

  7. On the View 1098-T page select the Tax year you would like to view.

  8. A PDF 1098-T will display.

If you have questions or need a copy of your 1098T, please contact the Student Financials Office at 253-288-3399 or by email cashiers@greenriver.edu.  We do not email 1098Ts and we can only mail replacement 1098T forms to the address listed in the student’s ctcLink account.  The student must be present with government or college issued photo identification to receive a copy at the Student Financials Office.