Outstanding Alumna: Indira Pranabudi

By Indira Pranabudi, October 2, 2018

As a sixteen-year-old, I never planned on attending Green River College, but I’m glad I did because it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. At that point, I had just finished my GCE O Levels and wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue my education in Singapore. I had heard about community colleges through relatives, so I thought I’d give it a shot. I was a shy kid, but my peers and advisors pushed me to try new things. During my time at Green River, I worked as a Student Marketing Assistant at the International Programs Office and was also heavily involved in two student clubs.

After a year and a half at Green River, I transferred to Brown University as a junior. My involvement in extracurricular activities at Green River gave me the confidence to get involved with a lot of clubs at Brown, and I even co-founded INCH, the Indonesian Network on College Hill. I pursued a concentration in Computer Science, a field which I discovered during my time at Green River. The classes I took at Green River were challenging and definitely helped me succeed at Brown.

Since graduating from Brown three years ago, I moved to Boston and am currently working as a software engineer at Cimpress, an e-commerce company specializing in mass customization. I am also an editor for Indonesia Mengglobal, a non-profit and platform for Indonesians to share their experience pursuing work and education abroad.

Green River will always be a place I cherish and look back fondly on. My time at Green River was short, but in the 1.5 years I was there, I learned so much, and made so many memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

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March 12, 2024

Divine Court shows interior

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