Studying During a Pandemic

By Thijmen Wijman, June 2, 2021

Thijmen Wijman, from The Netherlands, did not let a pandemic stop him from having a Study Abroad/Gap Year experience.

I arrived at Green River College in the middle of the pandemic.  I wanted to go to the US because it’s such a special experience to study abroad even in COVID times. Sure it’s very different from "normal" times, but I do not regret that I made the decision to spend three months at Green River College.

First of all, the support and attention Green River gives to international students is great! You can always (virtually) speak to someone to just ask questions. Unfortunately, we could not meet in person but the college organizes a lot of games and activities online so you can meet new people. The virtual classes are very good, of course, meeting in person would be better, but it’s a great alternative for now, and we hope we can meet in person very soon. But don’t hesitate. You can come to the US now and take classes online and then in person when offered.  Or you can start online from your home country and then come to the USA when classes are offered in person. Read the latest information regarding Fall 2021.

Green River College is a great school to experience studying abroad. I’m in the US now and I have online classes and can’t do everything due to COVID restrictions, still I love to study at Green River College. I hope to come back in the fall to get my Associate Degree here. Studying abroad is such a great experience, so if you can, do it! And don't let it stop you due to virtual classes. At first, it’s very exciting and a bit scary to study abroad, but it will change very fast. I’m sure you will have no regrets.

Thijmen Wijman standing in front of the Space needle

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