Academic Misconduct


Academic Honesty for Students

As you pursue your education here at GRC and elsewhere, you will be exposed to the ideas, theories, and creative works of countless scholars, scientists, journalists, professionals and artists. Whether the project is an essay, a solution to a math problem, or a research paper, it becomes important to consider how to incorporate the ideas of others and how sources will be identified and cited. This means that academic honesty is foundational to all types of critical commentary, scholarly inquiry, and knowledge production expected by instructors at GRC.

The following outlines the procedures for due process if accused of cheating or plagiarism.

IN-5 Student Complaint Process - Green River College
After considering available information about possible violation of an academic rule:

  1. A college instructor, after meeting or attempting to meet with a student and upon written notice, may assign to the student a lower or failing grade for an individual project, test or paper or for the entire course.
  2. The student may meet with the division chair, who will work with the instructor and student on potential resolution(s);
  3. Followed by the dean of the division who may uphold or modify the instructor's action.
  4. The vice-president for instruction (or designee), after consulting with the dean and meeting or attempting to meet with the student, may uphold or modify the instructor's decision. This is the final appeal of the process for a student to address academic dishonesty allegations.

Rules of Student Conduct - Chapter 132J-126 WAC:
Academic Dishonesty or Cheating may also be referred directly to Judicial Affairs.

Written notice of any academic discipline under this rule:

  1. shall be either delivered personally or mailed by first class mail to the student's last known address within 30 calendar days after the date of the student misconduct or the date the misconduct was discovered or should have been discovered and
  2. shall advise the student of his/her right to due process and appeal (as noted above) under these procedures within twenty-one calendar days.

For more information please see the Academic Honesty Tutorial located here: