Refer a Student


Faculty who observe behavioral misconduct, or suspect academic misconduct, are asked to report an alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct to Campus Safety for intake and an investigation. That information will be compiled and submitted to the Judicial Affairs office.

To report a potential violation of the Student Code of Conduct, submit a report including the following information:

  1. Name of student;
  2. Date and time of the incident(s);
  3. Description of the incident(s);
  4. Attach supporting materials - i.e. course syllabus, student work, correspondences with student(s), digital / scanned evidence, website links, etc.
  5. Name(s) of witness(es), including yourself.

Please be advised that you may be called as a witness as part of the investigation or for more information during the student’s conduct hearing.  As a witness, you will be asked to give a statement regarding the incident that occurred. If you are unable to attend a conduct hearing in person, you may submit a witness statement via e-mail.

Campus Safety Phone: (253) 833-9111 x3350 Email: