Utilize previous college credit for placement or prerequisites

Students with previous college credit may be able to use transcripts for placement into math, English and a variety of other courses. 

Credits earned at institutions accredited by their regional accrediting association may be accepted. To find out if an educational institution is accredited by their regional accrediting association, you can use the accreditation database provided by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Postsecondary Education.  On the website, you can search for an institution by its name and find its accrediting agency.

To utilize previous college credit for placement or prerequisite purposes please submit all transcripts and progress reports to the Career and Advising Center or Running Start through our Secure Document Upload tool. Unofficial transcripts must include:

  • Institution name
  • Student name
  • Course grade in either letter or decimal value

Official transcripts and a Transcript Evaluation Request must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for application of credits toward degree requirements. The Registrar's Office website has more information about the transcript evaluation process, including use of Joint Service Transcripts.