Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Have Fun!

Looking for something to do without leaving CCA? Visit CCA's Virtual Activities and Programming page for ideas!

Virtual Activities and Programming

Get Involved at CCA

CCA programs and events are what separate the on-campus living experience from an ordinary off-campus setting. Becoming involved in your community is an important step in your Gator experience.

CCA provides weekly programs every Friday at 6pm in the Community Lounge. Please be on the look out for community flyers and email notifications on what program are taking place from week to week. All events are free to all CCA residents.

CCA is Your Gateway to Events at Green River College

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Gators Live On!

Be a leader that helps other thrive in a community at Campus Corner Apartments!

As a resident of CCA, you can be a part of something bigger and make it something better!

Learn More about Student Leadership at CCA