Innovation Fund

Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone apply for Innovation Funding?

Any college employee can apply for funding.

When should I apply?

Project proposals should be submitted one to six months before the desired project start date. Projects that will start less than a month after the deadline may be considered, however, please do not submit proposals for projects that are already underway. Projects that will start in Summer or Fall quarter can be submitted for the Spring quarter deadline.

How do I get started?

Speak with your supervisor or Dean about your proposal prior to completing the application.

Do I have to complete the application form and budget worksheet?


Can I include extra information?

Please submit the application form and budget worksheet. If additional information is necessary, the committee will be in touch to request it.

How do I submit my project request?

Submit application and budget worksheet as directed in the email calling for proposals.

How much money can I request?

There is no amount too small that we will fund. We have a total of $250,000 available for each academic year and want to facilitate as many projects as possible.

What types of projects are NOT typically funded?

Conference attendance, food, projects that have limited student impact, projects that are eligible for other college funding sources.

What if my project could be funded by other sources?

We expect that project leads have investigated other appropriate funding sources prior to applying. A conversation with your supervisor or Dean may be helpful in identifying other funding sources.

What if this is a continuation of something I've been doing for which I've run out of funding?

Innovation funds are meant for new and innovative ideas.

If my project is funded as a pilot, can I reapply for continued funding?

The assumption is that if your project is successful, continual funding needs to be identified through other sources.

When will I hear the status of my project?

Typically within two weeks of the submission deadline.

How will I hear the status of my project?

A committee member will be assigned as a contact for each project and will reach out to you with details.

What can I expect to hear back?
  • The committee felt the project did not fall within the scope of the Innovation Fund
  • The project needed more clarity (budget detail, ties to goals, outcomes, etc.). Project lead is encouraged to resubmit with modifications.
  • The committee felt there were more appropriate funding sources
  • The project was partially funded with suggested modifications
  • The project was funded as requested
How do I access the funding?

The project lead is responsible for completing the appropriate purchasing forms and routing them to the College Council.

What is expected in the Project Midway Report?
  • Milestones completed to date
  • Remaining milestones
  • Tentative completion date
  • Project is on track as proposed OR project has been modified
    • If modified, please describe
  • Project participants
What is expected in the Project Completion Report?
  • Date of Completion
  • Project was completed as proposed OR project was completed with modifications
    • If modified, please describe
  • Project Participants
  • Project Outcomes and how outcomes tie to the Innovation Fund goals
  • Measures of success
  • If you were to do this again, what would you change?