Green River College acknowledges that the institution has signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assures that the institution intends to use, no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.

2023 Q1 HEERF Report

Previous Reports

2022 Q4 HEERF Report

2022 Q3 HEERF Report

2022 Q2 HEERF Report

CARES Act Report

Date of Report 1/10/2022
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $7,445,134
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed during term $802,627
Estimated number of student eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants 7381 (based on Fall 21 enrollment)
Total number of students who received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant in this term 578

ARP Act (HEERF 3) Report

Date of Report 01/10/2022
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $7,445,134
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date  $1,605,924
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants 
7381 (based on Fall 21 enrollment)
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant 1067

CARES Act (HEERF 1) Report
Date of Report 4/7/2022
Total funds received for emergency financial aid grants $2,381,821
Total amount of emergency financial aid grants distributed to date $2,381,671
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for emergency financial aid grants 3,500
Total number of students who have received an emergency financial aid grant 1,829

CRRSA Act (HEERF 2) Report
Date of Report 4/7/2022
Total funds received for emergency financial aid grants $2,466,997
Total amount of emergency financial aid grants distributed to date $2,466,997
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for emergency financial aid grants 7381 (based on Fall 21 enrollment)
Total number of students who have received an emergency financial aid grant 997

ARP Act (HEERF 3) Report
Date of Report 4/7/2022
Total funds received for emergency financial aid grants $7,445,134
Total amount of emergency financial aid grants distributed to date $4,088,168
Amount of emergency financial aid grants distributed in Winter 2022 $2,999,530
Estimated number of students eligible for emergency financial aid grants 7500 (based on Winter 22 enrollment)
Total number of students who have received an emergency financial aid grant 1,606
Number of students who received an emergency financial aid grant in Winter 2022 1,238
All students were impacted by the move to online instruction. For our highest need, part- and full-time students (Pell grant eligible) we distributed $300 during spring quarter for internet and technology needs.

All students eligible for Title IV (Financial Aid) funding can apply for emergency funding through the emergency funding application. A committee reviews requests for emergency funding and offers wrap around support services as appropriate.


Date of Report 10/7/2021
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $2,381,821
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date 
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants  3,500 
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant 1,829

CRRSA Act (HEERF 2) Report

Date of Report 10/7/2021
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $2,466,997
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date  $2,466,997
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants 
7381 (based on Fall 21 enrollment)
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant 997

ARP Act (HEERF 3) Report

Date of Report 10/7/2021
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $7,445,134
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date 
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants  7,381 (based on Fall 21 enrollment)
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant 489

CARES Act Report

Date of Report 7/7/2021
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $2,381,821
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date 
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants  3,500 
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant 1,829

CRRSA Act (HEERF 2) Report

Date of Report 7/7/2021
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $2,381,821
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date 
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants 
8771 (based on spring 21 enrollment)
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant

All students were impacted by the move to online instruction. For our highest need, part- and full-time students (Pell grant eligible) we distributed $300 during spring quarter for internet and technology needs.

All students eligible for Title IV (Financial Aid) funding can apply for emergency funding through the emergency funding application. A committee reviews requests for emergency funding and offers wrap around support services as appropriate.

Date of Report 4/7/2021
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $2,381,821
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date  $2,381,821
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants  3,500 
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant 1,827

Date of Report 1/8/2021
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $2,381,821
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date  $2,377,911
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants  3,500 
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant 2,741

Date of Report 10/5/2020
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $2,381,821
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date  $2,348,748
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants  3,500 
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant 2,725

Date of Report 7/7/2020
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $2,381,821
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date  $1,230,959.08
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants  3,500 
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant 1,529

Date of Report 5/11/20 
Total funds received for Emergency Financial Aid Grants $2,381,821
Total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed to date  $370,000 
Estimated number of students eligible to participate in Title IV and eligible for Emergency Financial Aid Grants  3,500 
Total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant 1,232