Deleting Content from a Web Page
Deleting a section (which looks like a folder) will delete the web page. If you want to deactivate or delete something on the web page, you want to delete content.
To delete content on a web page, find the section in TerminalFour. Click to open, then click on the content tab.
The content will appear red and "Approved" will be changed to "Inactive." The content will not be published on the live website.
If you'd like to re-activate deleted content, simply open the content file and choose Save changes to save your file as 'pending' and to progress it through workflow for Approval, or Save as draft to save your draft without publishing it to your site.
Deleting a Section
Deleting a section (looks like a folder) will unpublish that web page on the website.
To make a section inactive, click on the folder to open it. Change Status to “Inactive” and save changes.
To publish the site again, simply change "Inactive" back to "Pending" and save changes.
Or: use the “Action” button to the right of the folder to select “Delete section”
Do not delete a section when you want to delete content on a web page. Deleting a section with subsections will delete all of them.
If you delete a section with subsections (folders within that folder), all of the web pages under it will become inactive.