VPC and Progress & Completion Annual Toiletry Drive

The Violence Prevention Center and the Progress and Completion Center host a quarterly donation drive to collect toiletries and personal care items that are available to any member of our Green River campus community.

We know that even though these items are important, they can be the first thing people do without when they are dealing with personal crises financial difficulties.

All of the items collected during the quarterly drive are split between the VPC and Progress and Completion so that people can access the items in multiple spaces.

If you are interested in participating in the toiletry drive bring items to a drop off location during the designated drive dates.

While campus is closed, toiletry items are still available through Campus Safety. Please contact them at 253-288-3350 to arrange a time to pick up items.

Spring Quarter Toiletry Drive: Cancelled

Summer Quarter Toiletry Drive: Date to be determined

Winter Dates

Jan. 20th - Jan 31st

Drop off Locations:

  • Welcome Desk in SA
  • VPC - SA 227
  • Progress and Completion Center - SA 156

Priority Items for Winter Quarter:

  • Diapers (larger sizes including pull-ups)
  • baby wipes
  • Chap Stick
  • hand warmers
  • lotion
  • hair care items for multiple hair types