522 Financial Code for Associated Students of Green River College (ASGRC)
In compliance with Washington State law, Green River College has established the Service and Activities Fee (522 Fund) into which shall be placed fees and revenues received by the College in connection with Campus Life and activities of Associated Student Government, intercollegiate athletics, recreation programs, performing and cultural arts programs, publications, radio stations and clubs.
All funds gathered and expended in the 522 Fund are subject to the policies, regulations and procedures of the Board of Trustees, the State Board for Community College Education, and the Budget and Accounting Act of the State of Washington.
The legal responsibility for the Service and Activities fee monies rests with the Board of Trustees. The President has delegated to the Vice President of Student Affairs and/or Dean of Campus Life the responsibility of overseeing the fund.
This code is part of the administrative procedures of Community College District 10
for the purpose of properly maintaining public funds.
The purpose of this Financial Code is to carry out the provisions indicated in the
preceding introduction, while at the same time providing for the effective administration
of the Campus Life Office.
The raising and expending of 522 funds by Green River Campus Life clubs has the objective
of enhancing the general educational experience and maximizing the success of every
student by providing a meaningful variety of wellness focused, educational, cultural,
recreational and social programs, activities, and services.
Section 1 - Source of Funds
Services and Activity funds are received from four sources:
a. Student fees paid at the time of registration and tuition due dates.
b. Revenues from activities sponsored by Campus Life and/or clubs.
c. Interest income.
d. Contributions.
Section 2 - Use of Funds
1. Funds in the 522 accounts can be used only for Campus Life and Activities at Green
River College
2. Budget managers may determine how budgeted monies can be spent so long as the expenditure
is not in violation of college policies or applicable state and federal laws AND falls
within the original intend of approved budget allocation. Additional approval is needed
from authorized signature authorities.
3. Prizes can be awarded for service or contests using 522 funds with the following
a. Prize value is limited to a maximum of $50 per prize/per person with a maximum
of $100 per event.
b. Prizes must be a certificate for a campus activity or an on-campus service or product
(i.e. Gator Grille, Daily Grind Café, Paper Tree Bookstore, Campus Life activity).
i. All prizes are subject to the approval of the Dean of Campus Life
c. Prizes can only be awarded to currently enrolled students. Exceptions are subject
to the approval from the Dean of Campus Life
d. Contest rules must be submitted in detail for approval. At the end of the contest
the winner(s) name(s) and ctcLink EMPLID must be submitted to the Student Life Office
and the Business Office Internal Controls department.
4. No 522 funds may be used for professional or classified staff salaries and/or stipends,
unless it is voted on and approved by the S&A Budget Committee and approved by the
ASGRC Senate.
5. All activities using 522 funds for food MUST have a sign-up sheet prior to events
or collected at the event with all participants listed. Sign-up sheets must be submitted
to the Campus Life Office (SU 240) within 48 hours of the conclusion of the event/activity.
6. Events will be evaluated on participation and sign-ups and can be subject to cancellation
by the Dean of Campus Life.
Section 3 - Accounting and Reporting Responsibility
1. It shall be the responsibility of the Vice President for Business Administration,
under the direction of the College President, to maintain proper accounting of financial
transactions of all 522 monies and to provide reports to the administration, students,
and other interested parties upon request.
2. Separate accounts shall be kept for each activity and related information is available
to interested parties during regular Campus Life office hours.
Section 4 - Deposits and Expenditures
1. All funds collected or revenues produced by or through Campus Life shall be deposited
with and/or expended through the Business Office of the College.
2. The official records of all monies for Campus Life and its subsidiary units are
maintained by the Business Office.
3. All monies, including fundraised dollars, collected as a result of any Campus Life
activity, funded or non-funded, must be turned into the Student Life Program Specialist
II or the Assistant Director of Student Life at the end of the event. If it is after
office hours, on a weekend, or on a holiday, such monies must be deposited at the
end of the event with Campus Safety into the safe in the Campus Life Office located
on the 2nd floor of the Student Union. These funds may not be held by any club member
or advisor for more than 24 hours.
4. Funds must be deposited with the Student Life Program Specialist II or the Assistant
Director of Student Life as described. At this time, a receipt will be issued indicating
the date, account to which the monies are to be credited, and such other information
as will facilitate the accounting of these monies. If funds are directly deposited
with the Cashiers Office, the receipt must be turned in to the Student Life office
within 3 business days.
5. No disbursements for any account are made except by checks prepared by the Business
Office. No revenue monies may be expended until they are properly deposited and recorded
in the Business Office and checks prepared in a routine manner. Cash is not available
for purchases.
Section 5 - Voluntary Student Fees
1. A voluntary student fee must be initiated and approved by the ASGRC senate before
proceeding to an Associated Student Body vote. 5% of the student body must cast a
ballot in which a 51% majority is needed to pass the referendum. The authority to
determine the use of the fee is left solely to students and it must be used for “student
purposes”. The duration of such a voluntary student fee is two (2) years and will
be reviewed thereafter by the ASGRC Student Government to increase, decrease, eliminate
or retain as is with the exception of any voluntary student fees assessed for building
Section 1 - Funded Clubs
1. Any activity whose basic aim is to promote the objectives of the Financial Code
may be recognized as a funded activity upon approval of the Associated Students of
Green River College (ASGRC) Student Government.
2. Recognized student clubs may be formed to promote any legal purpose, as stated
in the ASGRC By-Laws.
3. Student clubs must be open to all students, except in cases in which there is reasonable
justification for exceptions, directly related to the purpose of the club, determined
by the ASGRC Student Government. Approved exceptions must comply with all College,
state or federal laws.
4. The membership of student clubs must be composed solely of currently registered
students at Green River College. Faculty, staff, administrators and alumni may hold
non-voting associate membership.
5. The fact that a recognized student club provides a service to its members or the
College in general is justification for providing the organization with funds to the
limit that resources are available in the budgeting process. For specifics regarding
Church/State Issues and Student Services, and Student Political Issues see the sections
after Article
IV Section I - Funded Clubs.
6. Donations using 522 funds are prohibited.
7. Seed money from a 522 fund can be used for fundraising activity. The money used
to pay for expenses of a fundraiser will be deducted from the total amount raised
at the end of the fundraiser. The remaining fundraised dollars will be placed in the
Campus Life fundraising account (Institutional Advancement account). Fundraisers that
involve entities outside of the college must be approved by the Dean of Campus Life
and Institutional Advancement. Fundraising records are maintained by Campus Life Staff,
including deposit slips, invoices, and receipts. Clubs wishing to access their raised
funds must make a request to the Assistant Director of Student Life who will then
work with Institutional Advancement to expend funds.
8. Clubs shall make requests from the Club Programming fund. Budget requests under
$50 can be approved by the Assistant Director of Student Life for each club once per
quarter. Budget requests must be entered through the request form on the GRC Clubs
webpage by 12pm on Friday to be considered the following week by the Student Life
office or ASGRC. The ASGRC Finance Committee will review requests during their weekly
meeting and provide a recommendation to the ASGRC Senate. Senate will vote on all
requests during their weekly business meeting. Requesting clubs will work with the
Assistant Director of Student Life to expend approved funds. 9. Clubs which have similar
purposes shall be reviewed by the Sr. Director of Student Life & Wellness. Already
funded programs cannot receive club funding.
10. Fund-raising projects of student clubs are subject to the approval of the Dean
of Campus Life or designee with consultation from the Institutional Advancement Office.
11. Funds generated in any manner by a recognized student club will be held in a college
account. (Refer to Article III, Section 4 Deposits and Expenditures).
12. The fiscal affairs of all recognized student clubs are subject to the provisions
of this Code. Violations of this Code by a student club shall be cause for referral
to the appropriate College body or official and violators will be subject to review
and adjudication as the Dean of Campus Life deems appropriate.
Section 2 - Funding Options
1. See Club Funding Policy (ASGRC Bylaws).
Section 3 - Gear/Swag/Wearables
1. ASGRC will only fund up to 50% of the total cost of gear (including setup costs,
printing, tax and delivery/shipping), with a maximum ASGRC contribution of $250. Gear
will not be distributed to the club until the club contribution has been collected
by the Student Life Office.
Section 1 - Account Responsibility
1. The general long-range operational aspects of the 522 funds shall lie with the
Dean of Campus Life.
2. Account responsibility for specific funds shall be assigned by the Dean of Campus
3. The daily administrative responsibility for the proper management of the 522 Fund
shall lie with the Dean of Campus Life.
4. The Student Life Program Specialist II shall have monthly budget reports updated
and ready to share, upon request, by the 15th of each month for the preceding months
budget (if the 15th falls on a weekend or a holiday, the report will be available
on the next business day.)
5. The Student Life Program Specialist II shall inform the Finance Committee Chair
who will share the entire 522 Budget to the ASGRC Senate.
Section 2 - Revenue Estimates
1. Estimates of income into the 522 Fund will be made by the Dean of Campus Life in
collaboration with the Sr. Director of Financial Services during the last two (2)
weeks of December of each year.
2. This revenue estimate will be the basis for beginning the budgeting process for
the coming fiscal year.
3. Revenue estimates will be based on the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) students
projected for the forthcoming year.
4. No adjustments will be made to increase revenue levels after estimates have been
made unless so advised by the Vice President for Business Administration and/or designee.
Section 3 - Budget Development Process
The budget development process shall follow the statutes of the State of Washington.
RCW 28B.15.045 sets forth the requirements for budgeting 522 funds. The following
budget development process meets State requirements as set forth in RCW 28B.15.045.
1. The 522 Budget Development Process shall commence during the Winter Quarter each
year. The Dean of Campus Life will request a budget projection from the Sr. Director
of Financial Services during the last two (2) weeks of December. A budget request
form and a budget timeline shall be sent to all currently funded programs through
the appropriate 522 Budget area manager. The budget for each student program/activity
must be developed by students participating in the program in conjunction with the
appropriate advisor/coach/supervisor.
2. All requests for monies shall be prepared in writing and shall outline the planned
program and justification for expenditures.
3. The Dean of Campus Life shall convene the S&A Budget Committee for mandatory training
prior to addressing the balancing of the budget.
4. The Dean of Campus Life shall submit the budget requests to the S&A Budget Committee.
The S&A Budget Committee shall be composed of the following:
a. ASGRC Vice President of Finance - Chairperson
b. Voting members of the ASGRC Finance Committee (5 members)
c. Up to three (3) currently registered students
d. The ASGRC President, Sr. Director of Financial Services, and the Dean of Campus
Life shall serve as ex-officio members, and the Student Life Program Specialist II
shall serve as the official record keeper for this process.
5. The Dean of Campus Life shall advertise for up to three (3) currently registered
student positions. Interested students will apply and interview with the Dean of Campus
Life and the ASGRC President.
6. Meetings of the S&A Budget Committee shall be open, but the chairperson shall have
the authority to declare an executive session within the provision of the Open Public
Meeting Act. The purpose of the S&A Budget Committee is to hear all budget requests
for 522 Funds and to prepare a balanced budget.
7. Every request for funds must be presented to the S&A Budget Committee. These presentations
will be scheduled in advance and shall consist of three (3) minutes for presentations
and two (2) minutes for questions per budget line. Presentations are a mandatory part
of the budget process. Those areas that do not participate can be subject to reduced
or eliminated budgets.
8. There shall be a minimum of two (2) open meetings of the S&A Budget Committee resulting
in a balanced budget. These meetings shall be announced across campus at least five
(5) academic days prior to their convening.
9. Prior to the third Thursday in March, the S&A Budget Committee shall submit a balanced
budget to the ASGRC Senate. Within ten (10) academic days after receiving the budget
from the S&A Budget Committee, the Senate shall take action on the proposed budget.
The Senate shall not have line-item voting power. In the event the Senate fails to
take action within ten (10) days, the S&A Budget Committee's budget shall be considered
10. Upon approval by the Senate, the budget is sent to the ASGRC President. The President
shall either pass or veto the total budget within four (4) academic days. The President
shall not have line-item veto power.
11. In the event of a presidential veto, the senate shall have the right to override
by a two-thirds vote of the body. The Senate shall have five (5) academic days after
receiving the vetoed budget in which to act.
12. In the event the budget is unable to pass the Student Senate within the allotted
time, the following groups and/or persons shall meet in S&A Budget Emergency Committee
on the sixth academic day following presidential veto:
a. College President or Vice President of Student Affairs
b. Dean of Campus Life
c. ASGRC President
d. ASGRC Vice President of Finance - Chairperson
13. The S&A Budget Emergency Committee shall have three (3) days in order to agree
upon a budget. If they are unable to arrive at a budget, then the original budget
developed by the S&A Budget Committee shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees
at their next regularly scheduled mtg.
14. If the budget is approved by the ASGRC Senate, ASGRC President and the Dean of
Campus Life, it is submitted to the Board of Trustees for consideration at one of
their regularly scheduled meetings prior to the conclusion of the fiscal year.
15. Upon adoption by the Board of Trustees, all budgeted programs shall be guaranteed
funding for the fiscal year so far as revenue permits.