Reporting a Crime

What are my options for reporting a crime?

If you are in crisis or experiencing an emergency call 911 or Campus Safety at 253-288-3350

Report the incident to local Law Enforcement

Faculty and staff at the college, especially Campus Safety, can assist in filing a report and speaking to law enforcement officials.

Report the incident directly to the college

If you or someone you know has experienced Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and/or Stalking, you may contact Amelia Barbadoro the college's Title IX Coordinator to make a report or file a complaint under the policy GA-11 Sex Discrimination Grievance Procedure.

Title IX Reporting

For employees and public/visitors: 
For students and applicants: 

GA- 11 remains in force for incidents that occurred prior to August 1, 2024. Incidents that occurred on or after August 1, 2024 will fall under GA-31 Sex Discrimination Investigation Procedure and GA-32 Employee Sex Discrimination Disciplinary Procedure