Pascal's Dream of Becoming a Pilot Comes True

By Pascal Weber, Gap Year Alumnus, November 26, 2019

My Gap Year at Green River College gave me the chance to find out who I was and what I wanted from life. Because I was thinking about becoming a pilot, I chose Green River for the aviation classes they offered.  Green River enabled me to take the first steps towards my future and find out whether the aviation industry was the right thing for me. Taking aviation classes gave me the opportunity to discover many different aspects of the job and the industry.

Not only did a year abroad strengthen me in my decisions regarding my future studies and career, but it was also a year of personal growth and amazing experiences. I met people from all over the world who I now consider friends for life, learned a lot about myself, what I'm capable of, and became very confident and independent.

Green River has a very active student life program. I got the chance to explore the Pacific Northwest through activities organized by the college. I went on hikes, city trips, to local events – I got the chance to really dive into the culture, nature, and lifestyle of the Evergreen State and its neighboring area. Seattle is so diverse and has a buzzing city life. It is a perfect place to start discovering the USA and to realize that there are loads of places waiting to be discovered in every direction.

Even if you're unsure about what to study during a Gap Year at Green River, let alone for the rest of your life - leaving your comfort zone and simply taking a Gap Year will lead you down a path that you could never have imagined. Those travels will stay with you for life and help you find yourself and what you want your life to be about.

Learn more about Green River College's Gap Year Program.

Pascal Weber and friends, Rex and Bente volunteer at CORE

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