Why Naomi Chose to get her Bachelor of Science Degree at Green River College

By International Programs and Naomi van Roon, March 16, 2022

Naomi van Roon is from The Netherlands and is pursuing her bachelor's in Forest Resource Management at Green River College.

Why did you choose a BAS degree at Green River College?

After I finished my associate degree at Green River College, I really wanted to continue with my Bachelor's. I love my teachers at Green River, I love my classmates, my on-campus jobs, and the assistance from International Programs. I knew that continuing my education in an environment where I was already succeeding could only mean more success.

What are some of the benefits you have experienced from this degree?

Some benefits I have experienced from this degree include: the lower tuition costs, the small class sizes up to 15 students, a hands-on applied learning experience even in 300 and 400 level classes, and preference, when I apply for jobs because of the brand name my program, has created throughout the years. I truly couldn’t feel more prepared to start working after I graduate.

What are your plans after you graduate or if you have already graduated, what are you doing now?

Right now, I am in my last year in the Natural Resources program. I have already had several internships in my field of interest as I worked for state government and non-profit organizations. After I graduate, I would want to work in the United States for as long as I can. I would want to work for the Washington State Department of Natural Resources or a county Conservation District. Anywhere, where I can work in a position that I will enjoy!

Naomi van Roon field work

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