Current Student Classes


  • What classes am I not allowed to take?
    You can take any classes you wish, but Running Start pays for only those classes that are college level (100 or higher). You may take classes below college level, but you will be responsible for paying tuition and fees associated with those classes. Here are classes Running Start does not cover:
    • Read 104, Engl 100
    • Math 0xx (any class below 100-level)
    • Any course that starts with BASIC, ESOL, HSC, or R EST
  • Can I take online classes?
    Yes, it is the opinion of the Attorney General's office that Running Start students will be treated as regular college students and enrolled in regular college classes. These classes are considered to be within the normal delivery of the college curriculum. While online (eLearning) classes give more scheduling flexibility, they can be challenging for some students. Before enrolling in an eLearning class students may want to ask themselves how well the following statements describe them:
    • I feel comfortable using reading and writing as my primary means of communication and learning.
    • I feel I can learn in an environment where oral lectures are not the primary mode of learning.
    • I am self-motivated and can work independently.
    • I have no problem communicating with my instructor and other classmates through electronic means such as email and discussion boards.
    • I have no problem asking questions when I don’t understand something or need clarification.
    • I have or will have access to a computer with internet access on a regular basis.
    • I feel comfortable in my keyboarding abilities.
    • I feel comfortable with basic computer skills such as email, creating and saving files, and downloading files.
    • I can dedicate approximately three hours of work per credit hour to my eLearning class.

      If you answered ‘yes’ to most of these questions, eLearning could be a good option for you!
  • How do I know which classes at Green River apply toward my high school graduation requirements?
    Your high school counselor can answer this question when you meet with him/her to fill out the verification form for Running Start. Different schools accept different courses from Green River to meet specific requirements, such as CWP/CWI or Senior English. It is critical that you work with your high school counselor to make sure that you are meeting your high school graduation requirements. You need to meet with your high school counselor every quarter that you are in Running Start to complete a verification form. On this form, the high school counselor will indicate which graduation requirements are needed. You should also use the District Equivalency Guide found in the Current Student section of this website.
  • Can I receive a degree from Green River at the same time I get my high school diploma?
    Yes, it is possible to graduate from high school with an associate degree at the same time. This takes careful planning, so be sure to ask a Running Start advisor for help toward the planning of an AA degree. If you do not plan to graduate from a public high school, you have the option of asking the college to issue a State of Washington high school diploma upon completion of an associate degree.
  • Should I stay at Green River to finish my AA degree before transferring?
    There are advantages to finishing an AA degree before transferring to a 4-year university in Washington and some out-of-state institutions (universities which have “direct transfer agreements” with Green River; listed in the College Catalog). At some universities in Washington, it may be difficult to transfer with an assortment of credits if you do not complete an AA degree. This is a good question to ask the university to which you plan to transfer.
  • Do Running Start classes transfer to other colleges/universities?
    College credits are transferable to Washington State public colleges and universities, and to most private colleges in the state. It is important for students to consult with college admissions representatives and departmental advisors as early as possible. Students should contact out-of-state colleges for their policies on accepting Running Start credits.
  • What if I don’t graduate from high school? Can I still do Running Start?
    If you don’t graduate from high school with your class, you are still eligible to participate in Running Start. However, you can take only those classes required to earn the diploma through your high school. If you choose to take classes outside those parameters, you will be responsible for the tuition and fees. You will not be eligible for federal financial aid until you have a high school diploma or GED. Make sure you plan accordingly to finish your diploma with your class.

Special Notices

Paperwork Processing Update as of 7/23

Current students: within 1 business day
New students: within 3 business days


Information Sessions

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Contact Us

Phone: 253-288-3380
(Do not include ID# or file attachments)
Visit: Student Affairs & Success Center - SA 135
Hours: GRC is closed on Fridays through August 30th. The Running Start office will be closed to the public on Fridays during this time.

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Zoom Virtual Lobby 

9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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